Write your life story, gift for Father’s Day

Dad’s Story: The Best Father’s Day Gift

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Finding an affordable and meaningful Father’s Day gift can be challenging. Dad already has golf clubs. He doesn’t need another fancy shaving kit or ballpoint pen. Sure, you’d like to take him on a once-in-a-lifetime trip, but that’s tens of thousands of dollars.

Get Dad DIYBook for just $89. It’s a gift from you to him, but more importantly, Dad can give you the gift of his life story. This is the gift that tells Dad you really care. 

Famous Dad Stories 

Examining the life stories of other dads can provide the inspiration necessary to start writing. A recent well-known example is former President Obama’s memoir Dreams from My Father. In it, President Obama examines his role as a father and sets out his goal: “I wanted to be a good father, to give my children the things I never had: a loving home, a strong sense of self, the confidence to dream.” He also recognized the importance of sharing this story with his children and its value  to generations of his family: “I wanted my children to be proud of their heritage, to know that they were descended from a long line of strong and resilient people.”

Comedian and tv personality Jim Gaffigan’s Dad is Fat shares the joy he experienced as a father: “I’m not sure what I did to deserve this, but I’m grateful for it. I love being a dad.” He also relishes the progression he has seen in his own children as they grow up, noting that “I’m constantly amazed by the things my kids can do. One day they’re crawling, the next day they’re running, and the day after that, they’re talking.”

How DIYBook can make a great gift for Father's Day

Sample Father’s Day Writing Prompts

DIYBook provides tailored writing prompts to help Dad share his life story. One series of writing prompts focuses on his family history. This is often information that is impossible to discover once lost. Here are some specific prompts your father can answer about his parents:

  • When and where were your parents born?
  • What did your parents look like? Did you inherit any physical traits of theirs? (Hair color, shoe size, etc.)
  • Describe their personalities. What did they like to do?
  • What kind of work did they do?
  • Recall a fond memory of you with your parents.
  • Did either parent have a particular phrase or word they used often or in certain situations? (Ex: How do you like them apples?)
  • Did your parents live near you or with you? Or did you travel to see them?

Another set of writing prompts allows Dad to share some wisdom:

  • What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Who shared this with you?
  • What is the worst piece of advice you ever received? Who shared this with you?

Others encourage Dad to focus on his achievements:

  • Think of one of your greatest achievements. How did you reach that goal?
  • Describe the path you took to this achievement. What were the challenges that you faced?

DIYBook Can Help Dad Share His Story

If Dad needs extra help, DIYBook offers professional ghostwriting and graphic design help, available right from your Author’s Account.

Happy Father’s Day!

Author Barabara Basbanes Richter, Founder of DIYBook
About the Author

Barbara Basbanes Richter founded DIYBook, an affordable and easy-to-use book writing program. She also founded In Ink Ghostwriting, a full-service ghostwriting firm helping politicians, pundits, scientists, CEOs, professional athletes, and others get their stories into print.

Under her own byline, Barbara’s writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, The Vineyard Gazette, Humanities, The Sewanee Review, Fine Books & Collections, Literary Features Syndicate, High Country News, Ravishly.com, Westchester Magazine, and other outlets.

Barbara is a fluent French speaker, and her translation from French to English of Mademoiselle de Malepeire was called a “clever, inspiring gem.”

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